With Ransomware and Data Theft At An All-Time High, Maybe It’s Time You Took A

Closer Look

At What Your Current IT Team Is Doing To Secure You From An Expensive and Devastating Cyber-Attack

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“3 Sure-Fire Signs Your IT Team Is Failing To Protect You From Ransomware.”

We’ve had numerous CEOs use this as a “pop quiz” to see IF their IT team could say “yes” to even half of what we’ve outlined here. Be prepared to be shocked.

Here Are A Few Of The Ways Your Current IT Team Is Putting You At Underappreciated Risk

Grossly Inadequate Cyber Security Controls

When a cyber-attack happens, the losses stack up and multiply. First, there’s an instant loss of productivity. At best, your operations are crippled.

Worst case, you’re completely shut down, unable to transact, unable to deliver promised products and services to clients and unable to operate.

In other cases, thousands – if not millions – of dollars are drained directly from your accounts without any chance of recovery.

Insurance Claim Denials

If your IT company has NOT met with your insurance provider to review the coverages you have for a cyber-attack (crime, cyber-liability, etc.) to ENSURE you have the right IT security protections implemented – which YOU have personally agreed to implement in order to get coverage in your policy – YOU are at risk of having your claim denied when you need it the most.

Chronic IT “Glitches” And Downtime

 As the saying goes, “Overhead walks on two legs.” Any CEO knows that unproductive, distracted workers not only kill profitability but increase the chances of mistakes, missed deadlines, sloppy work and low morale. A frustrated team is not a productive one.

Yet we find that most CEOs don’t realize just how often their employees are being interrupted and distracted due to recurring IT failures because it’s “hidden” from them.

Many are shocked to discover their employees are dealing with chronic IT problems that constantly get in the way of serving clients, closing sales and doing their job, forcing them to stop what they are doing, redo the work they just spent hours doing or possibly NOT do what they are supposed to do.

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