Numerous Malicious Financial Apps Discovered Targeting Android Devices

Recently, Google did some house cleaning. They removed ten different apps from the Play Store, all of which contained droppers for financial Trojans, this according to a recent blog post by Check Point Research. Apparently, all ten of the poisoned apps were submitted by the same threat actor, who took pains to get them past […]

Google Analytics Gets New Security Feature

Based on current trends, marketers are going to have to get used to operating in a world without cookies. In light of that, Google has recently made some significant changes to Google Analytics designed to help marketers live and ultimately thrive in that world. Back in October 2020, the company rolled out the first significant […]

Some Versions Of Windows 10 Will Stop Receiving Security Updates

On the heels of the May 2021 Patch Tuesday release, Microsoft has flagged certain versions of Windows 10 that will no longer receive security updates. These include versions 1803, 1809, and 1909. If you’re currently using any of those, you’ll want to update to a later version to continue to take advantage of security updates […]

Consider Replacing Your Old Broadband Routers For Security

A company named ‘UK security Watchdog, Which?’ recently released a report with some disturbing security ramifications. Based on a survey of more than 6000 UK households, the company identified 13 different older routers that are still regularly being used today. Of those 13, nine were found to fall well short of meeting modern security standards. […]

Google Prioritizing Privacy And Safety With Play Store Updates

Google generally does a great job with security when it comes to the Google Play Store. Of course, the company regularly makes headlines when poisoned apps are discovered, but given the sheer number of apps available on the Play Store, the percentage of problematic ones is barely a blip on the radar. That certainly doesn’t […]

Google May Force All Users To Use 2 Factor Authentication

Sometimes Google takes a heavy-handed approach to security, but it’s also widely accepted that their heart is in the right place. That seems to be the case with the company’s most recently announced change. In the near future, the search giant is going to start pushing Gmail and Google account holders to use two-factor authentication […]

Default Windows Font May Change With Windows 10 Update

Microsoft has a history of being notoriously slow to change. Just to cite one example, the company’s venerable “Paint” application has been in the mix since the earliest days of Windows. Although it was relatively feature-poor and under-powered even back when it was introduced, the company never made any effort to improve on it. They […]

Many Mobile Devices Contain A Chip With A Security Risk

A new, high severity vulnerability has been found in Qualcomm’s MSM (Mobile Station Modem) chips, including the company’s latest 5G-capable versions. The security issue could allow hackers to access a user’s call history, text messages, and even listen in on their conversations. Unfortunately, given the ubiquity of these chips in today’s smartphones, this flaw impacts […]

Global Scale Phishing Attack Brings New Malware

There’s an ongoing, global scale phishing attack you should be aware of, even if your firm isn’t currently being targeted by it. The attack is being tracked by Mandiant, who recently published a report about it. According to that report, the attack was planned in waves, hitting more than 50 different organizations spanning a broad […]

Chrome Zero Day Exploit Gets Fixed With Latest Update

On April 20, 2021, Google released Chrome 90.0.4430.85, designed to address a zero-day exploit hackers are currently taking advantage of, tracked as CVE-2021-21224. The patch also patches four other high severity security flaws that had previously been plaguing the most popular browser on the web. By the time you read these words, the latest version […]

Newly Discovered Linux Malware Has Been Around For Years

Recently, researchers at Qihoo 360 Network Security discovered a particularly stealthy piece of malware designed to create backdoors in the Linux ecosystem. It was so good at its job, and so stealthy that it went completely undetected for years. That gave the hackers controlling it a convenient access point literally for years. Based on the […]

End For Skype For Business Is Just Around The Corner

If you’re still using Skype for Business at your firm, be advised that Microsoft recently sent another friendly reminder out to all users of the service. The reminder says that it’s going away as of July 31, 2021, so you’ll need to complete your migration to Microsoft Teams (or an instance of Skype for Business […]

Popular NAS Device Vendor Fixes Vulnerability Recommends Update

QNAP recently addressed a critical security vulnerability you need to be aware of. Previous to the fix, the company had included hard-coded credentials to serve as a backdoor to the device. Unfortunately, hackers became aware of this and began abusing those credentials. That resulted in a number of confirmed instances where hackers gained access to […]

Large Insurance Company Geico Suffers Data Breach

Geico, the second largest insurance carrier in the US, recently became the latest high-profile company to suffer a data breach in the United States. The company is the second largest auto insurance carrier in the US, with more than 17 million policies in effect, covering more than 28 million vehicles around the country. Based on […]

Microsoft Edge Will Redirect Users To HTTPS Secure Sites

If you’re a Microsoft Edge user, be aware. Beginning in July, with the release of Edge 92, the browser will automatically redirect users to a secure HTTPS connection any time they visit a website via the HTTP protocol. Microsoft is not alone in this, and in fact, is coming a bit late to the party. […]

Here Is How The New iOS Update Improves Privacy

Targeted advertising has become a mainstay of life on the web these days. You do a search on Amazon for say, exercise bikes, and then, just about every other website you visit will show you ads relating to your recent search. It’s almost scary how good the ad targeting is. If you’re not a fan, […]

New Android Malware Called FluBot Is Stealing Passwords

There’s a new malware threat you need to be aware of, and it recently made its way onto the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre’s radar. Called FluBot, it is designed to steal information including passwords and banking particulars. There are a couple of interesting aspects about this threat that are noteworthy. First, it is currently […]

4G Internet Is Headed To The Moon

NASA has big ambitions to put 4G internet on the moon, and has tasked Nokia with turning their dream into a reality. It seems like the next logical step, really, since 4G has basically conquered planet earth. It can even be found on offshore oil rigs and atop Mount Everest, but the moon? It’s actually […]

Hackers Delivering And Hiding Malware While Undetected

Last year, Google made some important changes to their Chrome browser in a bid to increase user security. Among these changes was to default to “HTTPS” in the browser in an attempt to reduce the number of “man in the middle” and similar types of attacks. Their strategy worked. Other companies adopted Google’s approach and […]

Ficker Malware Tricks People To Get Their Passwords

Jiri Kropac, the head of ESET’s Threat Detection Labs, recently reported a new malware campaign to be aware of. This one is a bit different in terms of methodology. Hackers most commonly employ emails utilizing various social engineering tricks in an attempt to lure unsuspecting recipients into clicking malicious links or downloading poisoned files. In […]

New Devices May Not Use Default Passwords

You know how, when you buy a new router to set up a home network, it comes with a default password like ‘Admin,’ which you have to remember to change? If you don’t, you run the risk of having your new network breached with ease. Good news, that’s a step closer to going away. There’s […]

Hackers Might Guess Your Passwords Easier Than You Thought

Password security has long been a thorn in the side of IT Security Professionals. It’s easy enough to understand why. Passwords are inconvenient from the perspective of users, which is why they tend to keep them as simple as possible, so they can remember them. On the other hand, IT Security staff keeps warning users […]

Latest Windows 10 Update Replaces Edge Legacy With Chromium Edge

It’s no secret that Microsoft has struggled where web browsers are concerned. Internet Explorer was basically a security-riddled disaster and was eventually retired for that very reason. The company’s next attempt was Microsoft Edge, but unfortunately, it never gained much traction in the market and the company never did a lot with it. What they […]

Update Adobe Now For Several Critical Security Updates

Adobe continues to work at a feverish pace to address critical security vulnerabilities in its product line. Their most recent patch addresses a total of ten security flaws across the following four products: Photoshop Adobe Digital Editions Adobe Bridge RoboHelp Of the ten flaws addressed by the latest patch, seven are rated as being Critical […]

Security Is Top Priority In Latest Chrome Build

Back in February, Google began experimenting with a new feature that defaulted all URLs to use “https:” rather than the less secure “http:.” While defaulting to the secure socket layer isn’t ironclad protection for ‘netizins, it’s certainly a step in the right direction, which is why Google recently promoted the change out of the canary […]

Is Your Cyber Security Policy (Or Lack Of One) Leaving You Wide Open To Attacks?

Every business, big or small, should have a cyber security policy in place for its employees. Employees need to know what’s acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to all things IT. The policy should set expectations, lay out rules and give employees the resources necessary to put the policy to work. Your employees represent […]