G-Suite Users Get New Security Features

Are you a G-Suite user? If so, we have great news! Recently, Google rolled out a number of exciting new features to enhance both the usability of the G-Suite and its security. In the words of Javier Soltero, the VP and GM of the G-Suite: “Instead of learning another tool, we need the tools we […]

Covid-19 Researchers Come Under Attack By Hackers

A number of prominent hacking groups made a gentleman’s agreement with research labs that are attempting to develop a vaccine for the deadly COVID-19 virus currently ravaging the planet. The agreement was promising that no attacks against research facilities would be made. Unfortunately, not everyone is playing by those rules. Recently, intelligence agencies in the […]

Android Users Beware Of BlackRock Malware Credential Stealer

Do you have an Android phone? If so, be advised that there’s a new threat to be on the lookout for. The threat takes the form of a malware strain that’s being called BlackRock. It is a banking trojan that specializes in pilfering login and credit card information, which means that if you get infected, […]

Amazon Echobud Consumers Should Update Due To Overheating Issue

Do you own a pair of Amazon’s Echo Buds? If so, and in case you didn’t get an email from the company, be advised that Amazon recently discovered a potential safety risk. To address it, the company is asking all Echo Bud owners to perform a software update on their gear. In a nutshell, the […]

Some High-Profile Twitter Accounts Were Recently Hacked

An as-yet unidentified hacker pulled off quite a heist on Twitter recently. He (or she) gained access to a Twitter Admin account, and used that access to rapidly take control of a number of high profile Twitter accounts. Once the hackers gained control of these accounts they began using them to lure unsuspecting victims to […]

New Image Format Will Soon Get Browser Support

In 2015, a new image format was born of a collaboration between Cisco, Google, and Xiph.org. Dubbed AVIF, the format is based on the Av1 video codec. It is royalty-free and widely regarded as the most highly optimized image format to be developed to date, superior to old standbys BPEG, PNG, and even the newer […]

Latest Microsoft Update Provides Some Needed Bug Fixes

If you aren’t normally in the habit of installing updates when companies release them, you’ll probably want to make an exception for KB4484439. It is a non-security update for Windows Installer editions of Office 2013 and 2016 products. If you use Office 2016, and frequently edit Word documents that feature custom XML values, these will […]

Don’t Fall For Office 365 Zoom Notification Phishing Email

Do you use Microsoft Office 365? Do you also use Zoom? If so, be advised that there’s a new phishing campaign designed with you specifically in mind, the goal of which is to ultimately make off with your Office 365 login credentials. Since the start of the global pandemic, Zoom and other video conferencing solutions […]

Corporate Internet Users Watch Out For Conti Ransomware

Although you may not be familiar with the name, a strain of ransomware called “Conti” is surging in popularity on the Dark Web and seeing a rapidly growing number of installations, so it’s definitely one to be on guard against. Advanced intel’s Vitali Kremez has been tracking this strain since it first appeared in late […]

Windows 10 Might Get Rid Of Control Panel Feature

All things end eventually, and in the years since Microsoft’s Windows has existed, the OS has undergone a great many changes. Most for the better, but some that have met with unexpected backlash. Last year, millions of users nearly revolted at the notion that MS Paint would be retired. As image editing software goes, Paint […]

Billions Of Breached User Credentials Are Available For Purchase

On a regular basis, we see headlines talking about how this or that company got hacked and X number of employee or customer logins got exposed. However, since those headlines happen in isolation, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. A trip to the Dark Web will reveal just how big of a […]

Apple Music Might Be Draining Some iPhone Batteries

Apple users are in a state of absolute uproar. Recently, battery life has taken a hit, with batteries draining more quickly than ever, sending legions of iPhone users on a hunt to track down the culprit or culprits. Early indications are that more than one app is responsible for the drastic reduction in battery life, […]

Trickbot Malware Has A New Trick Up Its Sleeves

Malware Lab’s researcher Maciej Kotowicz has made an intriguing discovery that makes the Trickbot banking trojan even more of a threat. The most recent strain of the malware he looked at is sporting a new feature that allows the code to check the resolution of the screen on the machine it’s running on. If it […]

Some Google GSuite Apps Require Updating To Continue Working

Mark the date August 12th, 2020 on your calendar if you’re a GSuite user. Google has warned users that unless they update their GSuite iOS and Android apps, they may stop working by the date referenced above. The company’s announcement concerning the matter reads, in part, as follows: “In 2018, we began making changes to […]

Pirated Mac Applications Could Contain ThiefQuest Ransomware

If you have one or more illegal copies of Apple software on your Mac, be aware that there’s a new threat to be concerned about. An info-stealing, data wiping malware strain known as ThiefQuest has been found embedded in torrents of illicit software written for macOS. While ThiefQuest isn’t as commonly seen as some other […]

Microsoft Will Add Plagiarism Checker To Word Program

Recently, Microsoft announced a small but important improvement to one of its signature products, Microsoft Word. The company is planning to roll out a plagiarism checking tool bundled with a virtual writing assistant powered by the company’s increasingly powerful AI/Machine Learning code. If you’re interested in trying it out, it’s currently available to customers using […]

Major University In California Pays Large Ransom After Ransomware Attack

The University of San Francisco (UCSF) is the latest organization to fall victim to hackers, running afoul of a group utilizing the Netwalker ransomware strain. UCSF is a research university whose recent efforts have been focused on health sciences generally and COVID-19-related research specifically. On June 3rd, 2020, Netwalker published a notice on a site […]

If 123456 Is Your Password, Change It Immediately

You probably aren’t familiar with the name Ata Hakcil. He’s a computer engineering student who recently conducted one of the largest password security surveys currently available. To conduct his research, he collected a number of username and password “data dumps” from the Dark Web and analyzed the passwords he found there. Hakcil was able to […]

Hackers Used Favicon Website To Steal Credit Card Information

Hackers are constantly on the lookout for new ways of causing mayhem and stealing data. Recently, researchers have unearthed a new technique to be on guard against. A few hackers have begun embedding credit card stealing scripts inside favicon meta data. If you’re not familiar with the term, you definitely know what a favicon is. […]

VMware Patches Many Security Issues To Fix Certain Vulnerabilities

Does your company make use of VMware products? If so, be advised that a pair of researchers from Synacktiv recently reported a series of critical security flaws in VMware’s ESXi, Workstation and Fusion products. The recent discovery prompted the company to issue an emergency security patch to address those issues. The most serious of the […]

Nvidia GPU Users Should Update As New Security Patches Released

If you have computers on your corporate network that rely on NVIDIA hardware and software, be advised that the company recently released security updates to address serious security vulnerabilities found in CUDA and GPU Display drivers and Virtual GPU Management software. These are security flaws that could lead to an escalation of privileges, denial of […]

New Powerful Malware Is Targeting Windows-Based Machines

Researchers have discovered a devilishly clever new stain of malware currently in use by hackers around the world. The new strain is appropriately called “Lucifer,” and has been making life quite difficult for IT professionals managing Windows environments. The malware exploits critical vulnerabilities in Windows-based systems to launch DDoS attacks and install cryptojacking code. The […]

Why NOT Investing In IT Can Cost You BIG

If you haven’t invested in IT security, then your business is at risk. These days, it’s easy to take technology for granted. It just seems like everything works so well. If things are working well, why spend more on things like data monitoring or secure cloud storage? Here’s a startling fact: a lot of business […]

Microsoft Changing Their Physical Retail Stores And Flagship Locations

Eleven years ago, Microsoft embarked on a bold experiment to emulate Apple. They opened a number of brick and mortar retail stores. Unfortunately, their stores never caught on quite the same way that the Apple Store did, and the rise of the global pandemic only made matters worse for the tech giant. In light of […]

Mac OS Will Get Some Big Changes Soon

Big changes are in the works for Apple’s venerable MacOS, as the company prepares for a future where the desktop OS shares increasing amounts in common with both iOS and iPadOS. A recent preview of the latest desktop OS reveals an interface that has been completely overhauled, along with redesigned app icons and a number […]

Hackers Attacking Exchange Servers In New Warning From Microsoft

Recently, Microsoft’s Defender ATP Research Team issued guidance relating to defending against attacks that target Exchange servers. They are coming under increasing attack based on the latest Microsoft statistics, which show a marked increase in the use of web shells on on-premises Exchange servers. The company is currently tracking multiple ongoing attacks, some of which […]

Update Your Webex Desktop App To Avoid Security Threat

Do you rely on Cisco’s Webex Meetings app for video conferencing? If so, be advised that the company found and addressed a pair of high severity security flaws that could allow hackers to remotely execute code on vulnerable machines. The two issues are being tracked as CVE-2020-3263 and CVE-2020-3342. They impact Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop […]

Google Meet Now Available On Gmail Using Mobile Devices

Google recently published a blog post that didn’t get much attention, but that outlines a major change to the way the company’s video collaboration tool “Meet” works. The blog post reads in part, as follows: “In the coming weeks, you’ll soon notice a new Meet tab on your phone’s Gmail app where you can see […]