Some Smart WiFi Linksys Routers May Need A Password Reset

If you have a home network, odds are good that you use a Linksys router. In fact, it’s a brand that a great many small and medium sized businesses rely on as well. With that in mind, be advised that recently, the company locked user accounts on its Smart WiFi cloud service. The company is […]

Agent Tesla Malware Steals WiFi Passwords From Infected Users

A few new variants of the Agent Tesla info-stealer malware have been spotted in the wild and should be on your radar if they’re not already. The new variants are more dangerous than previous versions of the malware. They now sport a module that enables them to scrape WiFi passwords from devices they invest. That […]

Gmail Blocks Millions Of COVID-19 Phishing Emails Daily

Google’s popular Gmail service has been busy. In a typical day, the company’s email system blocks more than a hundred million phishing emails. During the last week alone, the company reports that their system saw a massive spike in phishing emails related to COVID-19, with more than 18 million such messages being blocked in just […]

Hackers Stopped With Help of Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit

Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) recently played an instrumental role in taking down a botnet made up of more than 400,000 devices. A botnet is a tool that hackers use to invade systems. The botnets were rented out to a variety of groups to conduct DDoS attacks, launch phishing campaigns, and deliver a variety of […]

Apple Announced A New Low-Priced iPhone

Rumors have been swirling for months about Apple and the possibility that they’ll release a successor to their iPhone SE. Recently, the company put a pin in all the speculation and unveiled their second-generation iPhone SE. It looks like an iPhone 8, but lacks the upgraded internals. The best part? When the company starts taking […]

Beware Of Phishing Emails Appearing As From The Federal Government

The Digital Security firm Inky reports that they’ve discovered a new, disturbing phishing campaign you should be aware of. The company has spotted a disturbing number of scam emails purporting to be from Mike Pence, the Vice President of the United States. The emails bear titles like “Coronavirus Guidelines for America.” It’s bad enough that […]

New Windows 10 Disk Cleanup Feature Coming Soon

If you’re a veteran Windows user, you’ve almost certainly made frequent use of the “Disk Cleanup” feature, which has been a standard part of the OS for what feels like forever. Recently though, Microsoft has given the utility a bit of a facelift and an upgrade. Lurking under the hood of Windows 10, in the […]

Hackers Targeting WooCommerce Users To Steal Credit Card Information

WooCommerce is a WordPress-based, free plugin that makes it incredibly easy to sell just about anything online. With more than five million installations, it’s clearly a favorite on the web. Unfortunately, its popularity also makes it an easy target. Ben Martin and Willem de Groot are researchers with Sanguine Security. They found a new attack […]

Spread Of COVID-19 Data Available From Google And Apple

Big tech firms are lining up to help us get a better handle on the data concerning this pandemic. Data includes who has Covid-19 and how fast and far the virus is spreading around the country (and around the world). Recently, tech giants Apple and Google announced a partnership that will focus on the use […]

Ransomware Targets Company Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine

It’s common knowledge that hackers are highly opportunistic and certainly not above targeting children, the sick and the dying if there’s money to be made. Even so, attacking a drug company currently doing research to find a vaccine for COVID-19 has to be counted as a new low, even for hackers. Sadly, that exact scenario […]

Over Half Of All Calls People Receive Are Spam Calls

If you’re like most people, you probably get a lot of calls over the course of a week. They’re probably calls that you’d just rather not get at all. How many of those calls do you get, exactly? Have you ever sat down and taken notes to track it? If you did, you might be […]

Zoom Is Working On Security But May Be Too Late

The popular messaging tool called Zoom is having a tough time. According to a recently released memo that circulated through Elon Musk’s “SpaceX” company, the company is banning Zoom’s use because of “significant privacy and security concerns.” In response, Zoom’s development team recently announced that they’re freezing all feature development for a period of 90 […]

Private Twitter Files May Have Been Cached In Firefox

Are you a regular Twitter user? More specifically, are you a regular Twitter user who also prefers the Firefox web browser? If so, be advised that Twitter recently disclosed a new bug with potentially dire implications for you. Apparently, a flaw in the design of the platform itself caused it to store private files inside […]

Over 5 Million Marriott Customers Vulnerable In Latest Data Breach

Are you a frequent guest at Marriott hotels? If so, be advised that the company has recently reported a massive data breach that could impact up to 5.2 million guests who have stayed at the hotel. According to the official statement the company released regarding the matter: “At the end of February 2020, we noticed […]

Huge Increase In Phishing And Malware Attacks Using Coronavirus

Around the world, hundreds of millions of people are terrified of the current pandemic that’s raging. Most of those are currently self-quarantining at home and limiting their social contacts. Everyone is hungry for news and information. Sadly, hackers, scammers and other assorted criminals have wasted no time preying on this massive captive audience. According to […]

Google Data Shows Impacts Of Covid-19 Shelter In Place Precaution

Google is using the massive footprint in the smartphone ecosystem to help people understand the impacts that social distancing is having in the face of the global pandemic. Their new global Community Mobility Reports are both revealing and eye-opening. The graph was created from the first reports, which covers 131 countries and regions around the […]

Crowded WiFi Networks Could Get Better Pending FCC Vote

Wireless connectivity is becoming a victim of its own success. Every year, the appetite for bandwidth grows, but of course, there’s only so much to go around. The recent shelter in place orders that have been issued by countries around the world has only added to the increasingly crowded spectrum. Even without that, based on […]

Office 365 Making Changes To Accommodate Millions Working From Home

Recently, Netflix announced that it was scaling back its streaming speeds to better handle the increased load brought on by millions of people around the world sitting at home due to the threat of the Corona Virus. Netflix isn’t the only company making such moves. Recently, Microsoft announced a raft of new and temporary changes […]

Some HP Devices May Fail After 30,000 Hours Of Use

Late last year, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) issued a warning about some of the Solid State Drives they manufacture. The warning was that unless users downloaded a patch to the drive’s firmware, their drive could fail after more than 33,000 hours of running. Now, the company is back with a similar warning. A new flaw […]

5 Steps To Rise Above The Fear Of COVID-19 And Focus On Growing Your Business

In a matter of just a few short weeks, we have gone from living how we’ve always lived to changing just about everything we do. Schools are out for weeks if not months. Cruises have stopped sailing, and air transportation may be next. Bars and restaurants are closing, sporting events are nonexistent and so many […]

iOS Update Includes iPhone And iPad Features And Fixes

If you don’t normally prioritize updating your iPhone and iPad OS, you’re probably going to want to shift gears and grab version 13.4 as soon as possible. The latest versions of both OS variants contain a number of important bug fixes and convenience features that are simply too big and too significant to miss out […]

Employees Working From Home Turn To VPN During COVID

It’s no secret that the global pandemic we’re all living through has changed a great many things about both work and home life. For one thing, work and home life are often the same now, with large numbers of people sheltering in place and working from home. Unfortunately, home networks aren’t anywhere near as secure […]

Be On The Lookout As Astaroth Malware Makes A Comeback

Are you familiar with Astaroth? If you’re a data security professional, you’ve probably at least heard the name. The group gained some notoriety last year when it came to light that they had developed a means of spreading “fileless malware” using legitimate Windows tools to infect machines around the world. The Windows Defender ATP team […]

Apple Update Blocks Safari Third Party Cookies By Default

In May of 2019, a Google blog post encouraged all web browsers to adopt the approach of blocking third-party cookies by default. Google announced their own plans to do so, outlining a development strategy that would see Chrome and all Chromium-based browsers defaulting to that by 2022. The TOR browser was the first to make […]

Windows 10 Announces One Billion Active Devices

Windows 10 is on a lot of devices around the world. In part, that’s because it’s a significantly better and more modern operating system than its predecessors. In addition, it’s partly because Microsoft has been aggressively pushing people to upgrade to Windows 10. While it took the company a bit longer to reach the magic […]

Computers Might Be Able To Smell In The Near Future

Word has recently leaked out about an interesting project that’s ongoing at Intel’s research labs. The company has apparently built an algorithm that mirrors the brain’s activity to detect and identify smells. The company developed a computer chip for the project. Called a “neuromorphic” chip, it was designed to allow a computer to process information […]

Financial Institution Worker Put User Information At Risk

Noam Rotem, a researcher for vpnMentor, recently made a startling discovery. A database connected to a now defunct app called MCA Wizard was found unsecured on the web. It contained a staggering 425 GB of sensitive corporate financial data. The app, developed via a partnership between Argus Capital Funding and Advantage Capital Funding, is no […]